Lessons Learned

Each teacher training institution produced a set of recommendations for building LGBT+ friendly schools. Following the testing of the didactical materials (O5), teacher training institutions referred back to the research conducted at the start of the project, reflected on the visions and materials produced throughout the project, and considered the evaluation findings. Placing teacher training institutions at the centre of this output encouraged teacher trainees to actively engage on these issues, and to critically reflect on their own opportunities as challenges once they enter the teaching profession. As such, All Inc! offered them an innovative opportunity to not just learn, but help shape the development of their profession in this area.

These recommendations consist of 2-3 pages and target three levels:

  • Macro: strategies that umbrella organisations or national education authorities may wish to consider in order to better support and strengthen LGBT+ friendly schools.
  • Meso: practical steps schools can take to protect its LGBT+ staff and pupils and to create a more inclusive and more ‘All Inc!’ atmosphere for all.
  • Micro: specific actions teachers and pupils can take in the classroom to be more mindful of diversity and more supportive of the LGBT+ community, both inside and outside of the
  • school gates.

From these sets of country-focused recommendations, a set of ‘European recommendations’ was distilled for publication and dissemination in English. All materials are now available on the All Inc! Hub (see below) and will remain available for at least 5 years after the close of the project.