Building LGBT+ friendly schools across Europe
Between September 2020 and August 2023, 16 partner institutions from eight European countries have focused on the topic of “Building LGBT+ friendly schools”.
We look back on three intensive years in which a high amount of knowledge was exchanged and great material was developed, good collaborations were formed, and new initiatives were taken for further bilateral and multilateral projects. Be sure to checkout all the outputs in the menu above!
Our publication A Little Respect? LGBT+ Perspectives on Education from across Europe summarises the findings of these studies.
As the project evolved, we realised that many initiatives were being carried out, and are still being organised. But we are also aware that there is still a lot of work to be done. We are confident that our project’s results will be a significant contribution to the evolution on this topic.
Recent posts
- Contextualising the All Inc! project inside the EU scopeOur blog welcomes this contribution by Igor Emmanuel Carnaúba, who joined us for All Inc!’s final conference — muito obrigado, Igor! Similarly to the growth of social pro-LGBTQ+ movements, the … Read more
- All Inc! – A flashbackAs AllInc! draws to a close, our project’s leader Oliver looks back on the work that has been completed and the goals we have reached — bedankt Oliver!
- Don’t be afraid to tell the truthOn behalf of our Greek team, All Inc!’s Aggeliki is sharing with us these materials created for and with the students at Ekto Gymnasio Mytilinis — ευχαριστω πολυ Αγγελικη!
- We’re just getting started: A celebration of All Inc! in CádizThis post is a joint collaboration between All Inc!’s Lotte and Elena — ¡gracias, equipo! On 25 April, hundreds of pupils, teachers, partners and city representatives headed to the Teatro … Read more
- “A useful and socially important, necessary and valuable project”All Inc’s Hungarian team report on their recent national-level multiplier event — köszönöm csapat! “A useful and socially important, necessary and valuable project” — this is how our external evaluators … Read more
- London Pride 2023Thanks to All Inc’s Andy for this contribution on behalf of the UK team! On Saturday 1st July, I was fortunate enough to attend —and indeed march in the main … Read more
- “I can be myself”All Inc’s BE2 team member Frederik shares with us this post on the Herzele municipality’s recent initiative, launched to commemorate IDAHOT — bedankt voor je bericht Frederik! This year the … Read more
- “Homologie” — the comedy eduGAYtion programmeAllInc’s Corinna and Philip from the DE2 team send this post about “Germany’s first and only HOMOLOGY teacher” 😉 — danke Corinna und Philip! Last May 12th, in his successful … Read more
- A very special conferenceOn 13 May 2023, the final conference of the Erasmus+ project All Inc! Building LGBT+ friendly schools across Europe took place at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. It was an exciting and inspiring day with a lot of exchange between the participants from different countries, where new contacts were made and perhaps new ideas started.
- What about the love?All Inc!’s Berto from the PL1 team has conducted the interview that is hyperlinked at the bottom of this post — dziękuję Berto! I can perfectly remember this Amy Grant … Read more
- Share your inputs: All Inc! develops European recommendations for LGBT+ friendly schools On behalf of the project’s coordinators, All Inc!’s Lotte send this overview of the work that has been carried out, and a reminder of the activities at the upcoming Munich … Read more
- Empty shelvesWe were recently struck by media reports on the consequences of Florida’s July 2022 Bill HB 1467 on K–12 (=primary and secondary) education, which was amended in December 2022 to … Read more
- Abolition of LGBTQ+ zonesAllInc’s Justyna updates us on a recent legislative change in Poland — dziękuję Justyno! Local governments in Poland that adopted resolutions against ‘LGBT ideology’ in 2019 and 2020 are likely … Read more
- A fairytale with Drag QueensLast December, the managers of Thessaloniki Pride, the Therapaizein group, the NGO Rainbow Families and students of the Department of Culture, Creative Media and Industries (University of Thessaly) jointly organized … Read more
- Join us at the Final Conference on 13 May 2023 in Munich!All Inc!’s Franziska, from our DE1 team, reminds us in this week’s post of the project’s upcoming conference — vielen Dank Franziska! The All Inc! project started in September 2020 … Read more
- Obedience for a better futureHungary has not seen many positive changes recently when it comes to education, international opportunities, or equality and inclusion. The infamous “paedophile law” has in many ways brought alienation and … Read more
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Belgium book Cadiz christmas coming out conference discrimination diversity education EU Germany Greece homophobia Hungary inclusion inclusive language leadership legislation meeting mentor Munich Netherlands newspaper podcast Poland policy pride project queer rainbow rights rural school schools science Spain speech survey trans transgender UK USA visibility workshop
Project Summary
All Inc! promotes inclusive education by bringing together pupils, (trainee) teachers and the wider school community to build LGBT+ friendly schools. All Inc! is active in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.
In each country, a university and secondary school will partner with pupils to co-create visions for LGBT+ friendly schools and supporting ‘tools for schools’. A virtual ‘human library’ will be built to share LGBT+ stories with the wider school community, and with young people across Europe.
All Inc! fördert inklusive Bildung und Erziehung, indem Schüler*innen, (angehende) Lehrkräfte und alle, die mit Schule zu tun haben, gemeinsam daran arbeiten, LGBT+ freundliche Schulen zu schaffen. All Inc! ist in Belgien, Deutschland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Polen, den Niederlanden, Spanien und im Vereinigten Königreich aktiv.
In jedem dieser Länder gehen eine Hochschule und eine weiterführende Schule eine Partnerschaft mit Schüler*innen ein, um gemeinsam Visionen für LGBT+ freundliche Schulen zu entwickeln und umzusetzen: Dazu gehören u.a. direkt einsetzbare Materialien für den Unterricht („tools for schools“), sowie eine virtuelle Sammlung von LGBT+ Biographien („human library“) für Jugendliche überall in Europa und alle, die mit Schule zu tun haben.
All Inc! promueve la educación inclusiva acercando al alumnado y el profesorado, así como a la comunidad educativa en un sentido amplio, para construir escuelas sensibles a la diversidad afectiva LGBT+.
En cada uno de los países participantes (Bélgica, Alemania, Grecia, Hungría, Polonia, Países Bajos, España y Reino Unido), una universidad y un centro de enseñanzas medias actúan en tándem con el alumnado para crear visiones de una escuela sensible a la diversidad LGBT+ así como herramientas educativas de apoyo. Se desarrollará una “biblioteca humana” virtual para compartir historias LGBT+ con la comunidad educativa y jóvenes en toda Europa.
All Inc! Προάγει τη συμπεριληπτική εκπαίδευση, ενώνοντας μαθητές/τριες, εκπαιδευτικούς (εκπαιδευτές/τριες) και την ευρύτερη σχολική κοινότητα για τη δημιουργία σχολείων φιλικών προς τα ΛΟΑΤ+ άτομα. All Inc! δραστηριοποιείται στο Βέλγιο, τη Γερμανία, την Ελλάδα, την Ουγγαρία, την Πολωνία, τις Κάτω Χώρες, την Ισπανία και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο.
Σε κάθε χώρα, ένα Πανεπιστήμιο και ένα σχολείο δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης θα συνεργαστούν με μαθητές/τριες για να συν-δημιουργήσουν οράματα για σχολεία φιλικά προς τα ΛΟΑΤ+ άτομα και να υποστηρίξουν «εργαλεία για σχολεία». Θα δημιουργηθεί μια εικονική «ανθρώπινη βιβλιοθήκη» για να μοιραστούν ΛΟΑΤ+ άτομα ιστορίες με την ευρύτερη σχολική κοινότητα και με νέους/ες σε όλη την Ευρώπη.
Az All Inc! projekt célja elősegíteni az inkluzív oktatást azáltal, hogy keretet ad a tanulók, a tanárok és tanárjelöltek, valamint a tágabb iskolai közösség számára olyan iskolai közeg kialakítására, amelyben az LMBT+ személyek otthon érzik magukat. Az All Inc! projekt Belgiumban, Németországban, Görögországban, Magyarországon, Lengyelországban, Hollandiában, Spanyolországban és az Egyesült Királyságban valósul meg.
Minden országban egy egyetem és egy középiskola működik együtt a diákokat érdemben bevonva, hogy közösen fogalmazzák meg vízióikat, és támogassák olyan eszközök kialakítását, amelyekkel e fenti célt az iskolák elérhetik. Ennek érdekében például virtuális „élő könyvtárat” hoznak létre, amely révén a tágabb iskolai közösséggel és Európa-szerte a fiatalokkal válik megoszthatóvá számos kapcsolódó LMBT+ (élet)történet.
All Inc! bevordert inclusief onderwijs door leerlingen, docenten, ouders en de bredere gemeenschap samen te brengen om LGBT+ vriendelijke scholen te creëren. All Inc! is actief in België, Duitsland, Griekenland, Hongarije, Nederland, Polen, Spanje en het Verenigd Koninkrijk.
In elk land werken een universiteit en een middelbare school samen met leerlingen om een visie voor een LGBT+ -vriendelijke school, en ondersteunende ‘tools for schools’, te ontwikkelen. Via een virtuele ‘human library’ worden LGBT+ verhalen gedeeld met de bredere scholengemeenschap en met jongeren in heel Europa.
All Inc! Promuje edukację inkluzyjną, angażującą uczniów, nauczycieli (stażystów) oraz szerszą społeczność szkolną w budowanie szkół przyjaznych LGBT+. All Inc! działa w Belgii, Niemczech, Grecji, na Węgrzech, w Polsce, Holandii, Hiszpanii i w Zjednoczonym Królestwie.
W każdym z tych krajów uczelnia wyższa i szkoła średnia nawiązują partnerstwo z uczniami, aby współtworzyć wizję szkół przyjaznych LGBT+ i wspierać ‘narzędzia dla szkół’. Zbudowana zostanie wirtualna ‘ludzka biblioteka’, aby dzielić się opowieściami o LGBT+ z gronem szkolnym i z młodymi ludźmi w całej Europie.