A rainy reunion: All Inc! meets in Leuven! 
The All Inc! project partners came together for a rainy but spirited reunion in Leuven, Belgium over the weekend of 19-20 November. With (almost) all partner institutions represented, and with a few partners joining the group in person for the first time, we had a room full of energy and ideas to work with. As always, there was much to cover in such a short time. There was also much to ‘close’: now almost two thirds of the way into this project, the outputs are coming together and the final insights and conclusions are starting to shape up.
The meeting itself focused in particular on the testing of the tools for schools (output 4) and the preparation of the final conference in Munich in May, where project partners hope to create a space for discussion and reflection. Throughout the day, issues and challenges that partners have come across in developing and implementing the project activities were added to a wishlist of conference sessions. They included, among others, the continued difficulties of working on this issue in Poland and especially Hungary; the need for more and improved teacher support and training; and the increasing polarisation around trans issues, especially in the UK.
As always, conversations continued over coffee, lunch and dinner as project partners exchanged stories from their classrooms and their communities. The specifics of the challenges each of us face are different, but the common thread is clear: there are plenty of challenges ahead still. We go again, for the final All Inc! stretch — and we look forward to seeing you all in Munich!
This special post contributed by All Inc!’s Lotte — thank you so much!